Know the Benefits of Food Truck
Food trucks are an excellent option for those who want to start their adventure in the restaurant business without investing a lot of money. The average price of a food catering truck can be two or even five times less than the price of opening a cafeteria. The food truck is still a restaurant, only on wheels. Mobile restaurants have become very popular recently, and interest in them grows every year.
The advantages of food trucks:
- food trucks show lower overheads;
- the payback period is much shorter than that of a cafeteria or restaurant;
- The ability to change places.
- The success and profitability of a food truck depend on how many hours the owner can dedicate to it. The daily routine usually consists of morning shopping, food preparation, customer service, cleaning, etc. Owners also have to do all the paperwork: renewing licenses, booking festivals, dealing with vendors, paying taxes and bills, etc.
Even though they serve customers mainly for lunch or breakfast, the workday usually starts 3–4 hours earlier and ends much later. Many food truck owners work at least 10 hours a day. Despite the overwhelming to-do list, the result is well worth it. So if you’re ready to start your food truck journey, check out the list below.

How to open a food truck
Think of your business in terms of marketing — who is your biggest competitor? What kind of audience are you expecting? Why should customers choose you and not just any other food truck? By thinking this way, you have a chance to find the right niche. It is essential to understand precisely how you want to attract your target audience and gain a competitive advantage. Check the trends and find a place that exactly meets your expectations. From the arrival of your food truck to the menu items, everything should be unique.
Business plan for a food truck
First, make a business plan. You need to know what you want and expect — it’s a combination of business, management, marketing, and finance.
Regarding finances, each food truck is an individual case, so there is no single general formula for calculating the budget and what taxes are like in small gastronomy. Start by making a list of everything you may need. List everything from buying a catering truck and equipment to obtaining a license.
How much does it cost to start a business in the food truck industry? This is a question that every beginner asks himself. The price range varies a lot and ultimately depends on your own decisions and preferences. For example, you can save money by Food truck rental or not hiring employees until the business takes off. However, you have to be careful when reducing costs, and you have to do it so as not to hurt yourself. Compared to a traditional restaurant, a food truck is a significant saving in itself. However, remember to think carefully about what you spend so you don’t run out of money before starting your business.
What kind of car is a food truck?
How do you decide which truck is the right one? The first thing to decide is whether the car will be new or used. You can buy a new vehicle and customize it according to your needs. In this case, you will spend more money, but you will not have to worry about repairs or breakdowns too quickly. It all depends on the size of your budget.